Yesul Kim

Yesul Kim, 1989

Yesul Kim majored in Design Engineering and got her master's degree from the Korea National University of Arts in South Korea. She is currently working as an artist and also runs a graphic design studio, Platinum Design. Based on her experience studying user-centered ergonomic design, she has been creating works that elicit audience behavior. With a focus on the practices and methodologies of contemporary art and design, she explores social structures and unravels her work by delving into systems and mechanisms.


  • Fine Art, ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem, 2021
  • Fine Art, Korea National Universtiy of Arts, Seoul, 2018 - 2022



  • Ironclad Fragger, AlterSide, Seoul, 2023


  • ADAF(A Domestic Art Fair), Studio CityGate, Brussels, 2023
  • DOOSAN art lab, DOOSAN gallery, Seoul, 2022
  • Mods, Hapjungjigu, Seoul, 2021
  • Urban Utopia, Tator Factatory, Lyon, 2021
  • Borderland, Plymouth Art Weekender, Plymoth, 2020
  • Artist Survival, Sehwa museum, Seoul, 2020
  • Hardcore Futuregraphy, 17717, Seoul, 2019 - 2020
  • Hardcore Futuregraphy, Culture Station Seoul RTO, Seoul, 2019
  • Endless Void, Democracy and Human Rights Memorial Hall, Seoul, 2019
  • Night club, Back Lane West, Cornwall, 2018
  • Little dance, Back Lane West, Cornwall, 2017
  • Drive-in, Seogyo art center, Seoul, 2016
  • Craziness, Loop gallery, Seoul, 2015


  • SeMA Nanji Residency, Seoul, 2023
  • Tator Factatory, Lyon, 2021
  • Back Lane West, Cornwall, 2018
  • Back Lane West, Cornwall, 2017